
How To Clean System Of Thc In 8 Days

The best THC detox process has only one purpose: To cleanse all the marijuana and marijuana metabolites out of our system. Our metabolisms alone are well-equipped to do that on themselves.

So why are people interested if home remedies such as lemon juice, cranberry juice, coffee, vinegar, and so on cleanse weed out of our system? What even the point of detox drinks and the best THC detox programs that cost $200 if our body can metabolize and eliminate all the THC on itself?

The answer is simple: Our bodies alone can flush all the THC out in 60 days. That's all fine and well if (and that's a big IF) you don't have to pass a drug test in 60 days or less. If you're facing a drug test in 10 days and you know you're pissing hot, you know will fail the test if you don't find some help.

Here are the changes an average THC user has to pass a drug test up to 45 days of abstinence:

how long does weed stay in your system and possibility of passing a drug test after certain time period

According to the Mayo Clinic, chronic smokers will test positive after 30 days of abstinence. Even after 15 days of abstinence, more than 50% of cannabis users are testing positive for THC-COOH presence in their urine. The purpose of every THC detox program is to reduce that number significantly.

3 Ways Of How To Detox From THC

All in all, there are 3 main ideas of how to speed up THC elimination out of our system:

  1. Using home remedies such as lemon juice, vinegar, vitamins (niacin, for example), drinking a lot of water, and exercising to increase drug metabolism and elimination. Easy to use but doesn't really help that much. The result is usually a failed drug test.
  2. Using detox drinks. It's a myth that detox drinks increase THC elimination; rather they only dilute our urine. If you're close to the 20 ng/ml cut-off rate, that might even help you pass a drug test. In most cases, it's just a fruity-flavored drink.
  3. Using complete THC detox kits. Kits are comprehensive 5- or 10-day programs that involve detox pills, drinks, and dietary fibers. All these speed up the elimination of THC from our bodies significantly. In effect, the use of THC detox kits is the only really effective method to detox from THC fast.

Lemon juices, kale smoothies, and other 'magic' potions are just wishful thinking. If lemon juice and coffee would be enough to detox from THC fast, we wouldn't have any problems with failing a drug test.

Detox drinks are a bit better but they cannot even begin to be compared with the effectiveness of complete THC detox kits. Here is a comparison of the 4 best THC detox products (you'll find some full reviews of them below the table):

To better understand the effectiveness of THC detox methods, let's look at how THC is cleansed out of our system. We also look into why natural remedies (lemon juice, vinegar) don't work, why detox drinks occasionally work and why THC detox kits work most of the time.

How Cannabis Is Metabolised And Eliminated From Our System

The THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is a physiologically active molecule in marijuana that creates an elevated feeling in our bodies. We'll follow the path of THC from inhalation/ingestion to elimination from our bodies.

In order for THC to be eliminated, it has to first be metabolized. The purpose of metabolism is to create a more hydrophilic (water-soluble) molecule that could be eliminated via bile (feces) and kidneys (urine).

The active molecule is metabolized in the liver. First, THC is transformed into THC-CHO (or Tetrahydrocannabinol aldehyde), and then into THC-COOH (or tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid).

THC-COOH is the final metabolized form of marijuana; this is a molecule that is eliminated from our bodies. What's even more important, THC-COOH is the molecule every urinary THC drug screening measures. The difference between testing positive and negative is simply the presence of THC-COOH in your urine (above the cut-off rate of a drug test – 20 ng/ml or 50 ng/ml of urine).

How is THC-COOH flushed out of our system? We already know we can find it in our urine. However, urine elimination represents only about 20% to 30% of all the THC-COOH eliminated from our bodies.

This might be surprising but more than 60% of THC-COOH is eliminated via feces. The molecule picked up by our bile which transports it into our small intestines. After that, it travels through our large intestines and eliminated via feces.

This elimination holds a secret to the effectiveness of the THC detox kits.

Why Are Home Remedies And Detox Drinks Practically Useless?

Here is a list of home remedies that are often mentioned with it comes to passing a drug test:

  • Cranberry juice.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3).
  • Coffee.
  • Tea.
  • Kale smoothie.
  • Energy drinks.
  • Grapefruit.

What all these home remedies for THC detox have in common is that they do one thing: Increase urine production.

As we've learned, urine elimination represents only 20% to 30% of all the marijuana that leaves our system. Increasing urine production definitely plays a role in increased elimination. But we should put that into perspective; just by peeing more, we're not really doing a significant difference.

What all home remedies and detox drinks lack is the effect on feces production and/or increased THC feces concentration.

Why Are THC Detox Kits So Effective?

The single goal of all best THC detox methods is to increase the overall THC elimination. While detox drinks and different fruit juices can increase urine production, they hardly do anything about increasing the main THC elimination route.

Here are 3 ways how marijuana and marijuana metabolites are flushed out of our body:

  1. By feces; represents 60% of total elimination – the primary way.
  2. By urination; represents 20-30% of total elimination – the secondary way.
  3. By sweating; represents 10-20% of total elimination – the tertiary way.

Complete THC detox kits increase the primary way of THC elimination; by feces. Alphalpha leaf extract, for example, in the best THC detox kit – the 10-day Toxin Rid program – can significantly increase the concentration of THC in feces as well as feces creation.

In short:

  • Marijuana use is detected via urine analysis.
  • Marijuana is eliminated from your body via feces.

To avoid failing a drug test, it makes sense to use the complete THC detox kit that makes you defecate more and the feces have a higher concentration of THC-COOH due to alfalfa extract in pre-rid pills.

With that in mind, let's have a look at the best THC detox products (both detox kits as well as detox drinks) you can use:

#1 5-Day Toxin Rid Kit (Best THC Detox Kit)

5-day Toxin Rid is the best and most popular THC detox kit. Here's how it works:

  • You get 75 pre-rid pills, detox liquid, and dietary fiber.
  • The whole program takes 5 days.
  • It's meant for moderate (not chronic) users.

Here is how the 10-day regimen day-by-day looks like:

  • Day 1: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 2: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 3: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 4: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 5: Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water. 2 hours after the last 3 pills, drink the detox liquid. 1 hour before the test, drink the dietary fiber, and flush it down with 8 oz of water.

Given that most people who try to detox from THC for a drug test are moderate users, it's not surprising the 5-day Toxin Rid is even more popular than a 10-day detox (#2 best choice).

It only takes 5 days – most people don't really have 10 days to detox before a drug test. What is more, it comes at a considerably lower price. While 10-day Toxin Rid costs almost $200, the price of the popular 5-day Toxin Rid kit is almost half that.

5 day thc detox kit with pills, detox drinks and fiber
5-day Toxin Rid detox is the most popular kit to pass a drug test. It takes only 5 days, it's very intensive and, in effect, works very well. You can get it here.

All in all, detox kits that flush the THC out are the most optimum way to beat a drug test. You can read about how and why these kits work so well in Toxin Rid reviews here.

#1 10-Day Toxin Rid Kit (Best THC Detox Kit For Chronic Users)

Everybody wants the kit that works; it's better than it's too strong than too weak. Out of all the detox kits out there, the Toxin Rid 10-day kit is the best simply because it's the strongest.

This is a well-rounded detox program that takes up to 10 days to complete. Every kit contains:

  • 150 pre-rid pills (with alfalfa leaf extract).
  • Detox liquid.
  • Dietary fiber.

As you can see, the Toxin Rid program is quite a comprehensive one. With 150 pre-rid pills to get you ready for a drug test, you're doing a ton of work towards flushing the toxins out of your body.

best thc detox kit
10-day Toxin Rid program is the best and most comprehensive THC detox kit (comes with 150 pills in total). You can buy the 10-day Toxin Rid kit here.

Here is how the 10-day regimen day-by-day looks like:

  • Day 1: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 2: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 3: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 4: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 5: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 6: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 7: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 8: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 9: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water.
  • Day 10: Take 3 pre-rid pills every hour for 5 hours daily, with 8 oz of water. Daily total: 15 pre-rid pills + 40 oz of water. 2 hours after the last 3 pills, drink the detox liquid. 1 hour before the test, drink the dietary fiber, and flush it down with 8 oz of water.

All in all, the 10-day Toxin Rid kit is the strongest and most effective one. It is quite intensive, however. You have to take 150 pills in total, with detox liquid and fiber. You flush everything down with more than 400 oz of water. Which is a lot.

Overall, the flushing of toxins from your body is put in the highest gear for the whole 10 days. This makes the 10-day Toxin Rid program so effective. You can get the whole kit here.

#3 Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink

When it comes to detox drinks, it's essential that we have one thing in mind. It's this: Detox drinks don't increase drug elimination at all. They work by diluting your urine during the drug test.

For example, if need to pass a 20 ng/ml THC drug test but your urine is currently at 25 ng/ml, you can use a detox drink. By diluting urine, the concentration of THC (or rather THC-COOH) will fall to, let's say, 15 ng/ml which is below the cut-off rate of the drug screening panel. The result is that you will pass a drug test.

The best detox drink for THC testing is the Rescue Cleanse 32oz. It's made by Clear Choice and it can create a 5-hour window of opportunity. Within those 5 hours after gulping down the entire 32oz drink, your urine will be diluted. If you're lucky it will be diluted enough to pass a drug test.

Compared to THC detox kits which actually flush the THC out of your system, the power of detox drinks lies in how well they can dilute your urine. You usually get 17oz and 32oz option for people below 200 lbs and above 200 lbs, respectively. However, even if you're below 200 lbs, the 32oz might be a safer choice because it dilutes the urine for a sample more.

best detox drink to flush thc our of your system
Rescue Cleanse 32oz is the best (and biggest) detox drink you can use. It even comes with 60 Herbal pre-cleanse capsules. You can buy the Rescue Cleanse here.

All in all, if you decide to use a detox drink, the Rescue Cleanse is the best choice.

#4 Detoxify Mega Clean Detox Drink

Another reputable detox drink is the Detoxify Mega Clean 32oz. In most aspects, it's very similar to the Rescue Cleanse. Of course, it's effectiveness can't be compared to that of the best THC detox kits.

Nonetheless, if you're really close to a single panel THC drug test cut-off level, the Detoxify Mega Clean can help you lower the concentration of THC below that level.

Here is the big 32oz bottle:

detoxify megaclean detox drink to cleanse your body of thc
Detoxify Mega Clean will work well if you're close to the cut-off level. You can get it here.

Most reviews of detox drinks will let you know how good a detox drink is. Detoxify Mega Clean, for example, does have superb reviews which means that people did pass a drug test using it and thus gave it a positive review.

Summary And Good Luck

Being prepared when a drug test comes around is the best we can do. The complete detox kits (and, optionally, detox drinks) do provide us with means to physiologically increase the elimination of lipophilic drugs like THC.

All in all, having a scheduled plan and sticking to it is the best strategy when it comes to pass a drug test.

How To Clean System Of Thc In 8 Days


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